
"My Paintings and drawings focus on the interconnected nature of flora and fauna. Birds. bears, trees, and fish combine in unlikely spaces and groupings as if conversing or passing in futility."

—Nathan Budoff

Nathan Budoff is a Puerto Rico-based painter, muralist, and printmaker from Massachusetts whose artworks frame the relationships between flora, fauna, and space in unexpected ways—Mammals mingle with colossal crustaceans in abstract color fields. Wide-eyed Rodentia become the compositional foundation of aquatic landscapes. And perplexed penguins drift amongst the feline kings of the jungle—Based in the vibrant, community-centric art scene of Puerto Rico, Budoff creates work from a wholistic understanding of ecological hierarchies. As Earth's ecosystems teeter on the edge of collapse, Budoff creates work that encourages us to look at the environments we inhabit with fresh eyes and an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.


Budoff's artworks have been included in exhibitions in San Juan, Medellin, New York, Chicago, Minnesota, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Orlando. His most recent exhibition, Vivarium, is a group show at the Albuquerque Museum that explores nature, the built environment, and humanity's relationship to non-human creatures. Some of Budoff's other exhibitions include solos at Pie Projects in Santa Fe, NM, the Museo de Arte y Diseño de Miramar in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Rollins Art Museum (in collaboration with Frances Gallardo) in Winter Park, Florida. His recent mural projects include Entre Tierra Firme y Mara mural cycle on the four sides of the 45-foot-high pyramid in Cataño, Puerto Rico, and Con las Cotorras, a 42-foot diameter byzantine mosaic on the ceiling of the Martínez Nadal Station of the San Juan metro, amongst others. His artist residencies include the Ucross Foundation, the Vermont Studio Center, the American Academy in Rome, and the Faculty Resource Network at New York University. His work is in the public collections of Rollins Museum of Art, the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, the Museo de Arte de Ponce, and the Museo de Arte de Caguas as well as the Catherine T. and John D. MacArthur Foundation, the Boston Public Library, and the New York Public Library. Budoff holds a BFA from the University of Massachusetts, an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as degrees in law and psychology. He is also a Fullbright Fellow.
